The Seven Major Roles of Copywriting in Branding and Identity

copywriting—a powerful tool that shapes perceptions, drives action, and cements brand loyalty

Written by Hourglass Media

September 28, 2023

A strong brand identity is the cornerstone of memorable and influential consumer engagement in the bustling marketplace of ideas, products, and services. At the heart of this identity lies copywriting—a powerful tool that shapes perceptions, drives action, and cements brand loyalty. But what is the intrinsic relationship between copywriting, branding, and identity? Let’s dive in and take a deeper look at the role of copywriting in branding and identity.

1. Defining the Brand Voice

Every brand needs a distinctive voice that distinguishes it from the crowd. A brand’s voice reflects its personality, values, and aspirations. Through consistent language, style, and tone, copywriting gives a brand its verbal identity. For example, a luxury brand might use elegant and sophisticated language, while a youthful startup might opt for a playful and irreverent tone. The key is ensuring this voice remains consistent across all communication, providing consumers with a recognisable and relatable persona.

Innocent Drinks’ playful and cheeky tone sets them apart. Their witty product descriptions and humorous social media posts reinforce their image as a fun, approachable brand.

Pepsi’s 2017 ad featuring Kendall Jenner was criticised for its tone-deaf approach to serious issues like protests and police tensions. It failed because the tone wasn’t in sync with the brand’s voice or the message’s gravity.

2. Crafting Memorable Messaging

Creating a lasting impression in the consumer’s mind is the hallmark of powerful branding. Effective copy does more than just describe a product or service—it tells a story, evokes emotion, and becomes an intrinsic part of the brand’s identity. The crafting process often involves understanding the core value proposition and distilling it into concise, impactful words or phrases that resonate on both rational and emotional levels.

Nike’s “Just Do It” slogan is iconic. It conveys determination, action, and ambition concisely.

In 2009, Tropicana executed a complete rebrand, changing its packaging and messaging. This led to a 20% fall in sales over a two-month period, as the new design and message disconnected from their audience.

3. Building Trust and Credibility

Trust is a fragile commodity. Brands that mislead or overpromise erode consumer trust and tarnish their reputations. Strong copywriting prioritises authenticity. This means avoiding exaggerations, being transparent about product capabilities, and acknowledging shortcomings when necessary. Over time, consumers respect and trust brands that communicate openly and honestly.

Everlane, a clothing brand, emphasises “radical transparency”. They break down costs and showcase their factories, building trust through open communication.

Volkswagen’s “Dieselgate” scandal, where they falsely advertised low-emission vehicles, severely damaged trust and credibility once the truth surfaced.

4. Engaging and Persuading the Audience

Copywriting is not just about relaying information—it’s an art of persuasion. Effective copy can motivate action by tapping into consumers’ desires, challenges, and dreams. This involves a deep understanding of the target audience, including their demographics, psychographics, and behavioural triggers. It’s about creating a narrative where the brand emerges as the solution to a particular problem or the pathway to a desired experience.

Apple’s product launches often include compelling narratives about innovation, design, and functionality, driving product desire and sales.

Microsoft’s initial advertising for Windows Vista focused heavily on its aesthetic appeal without adequately addressing performance, leading many to perceive it as a product with style over substance.

5. Enhancing Visual Elements

While a picture might be worth a thousand words, pairing it with the right words amplifies its impact. For instance, a compelling image of a serene beach becomes more inviting with copy that evokes the sensation of relaxation and escape. Visuals grab attention, but the accompanying copy often explains, elaborates, and persuades. Together, they create a harmonious blend that effectively communicates the brand’s message.

Airbnb’s “Belong Anywhere” campaign combined evocative images of diverse destinations with personal stories, using copy to enhance the visuals.

Gap’s short-lived logo change in 2010 paired a small blue square with a plain font. The accompanying messaging failed to give context or reason for the change, leading to confusion and backlash.

6. Driving Consistency

In today’s digital age, consumers interact with brands across multiple touchpoints—from websites and social media to physical stores and print materials. Disjointed or inconsistent messaging can confuse consumers and dilute the brand’s identity. Copywriting ensures that the brand’s voice, message, and values remain consistent regardless of the medium or platform. This consistency strengthens brand recall and reinforces its identity at every interaction.

With names on bottles, Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign remained consistent across countries with localised names, maintaining the brand’s near-universal appeal.

Yahoo! introduced a campaign where they changed their logo daily for 30 days before settling on a final design. This inconsistency led to confusion and failed to generate the desired excitement.

7. Adapting to Evolving Brand Goals

Brands aren’t static—they evolve with changing market dynamics, consumer preferences, and internal growth. Copywriting plays a pivotal role in communicating these shifts when brands undergo changes, whether minor tweaks or major overhauls. This could mean redefining the brand’s mission statement, introducing new product lines, or addressing larger societal issues. Through strategic copywriting, brands can guide consumers through these changes, ensuring they remain engaged, informed, and loyal.

Old Spice’s branding campaign featuring the “Old Spice Man” transformed its image from an outdated aftershave to a modern men’s grooming brand.

New Coke in 1985 is a textbook case. Coca-Cola tried to adapt to evolving market tastes by changing its classic formula, leading to a significant consumer backlash. The company had to revert to the original formula.


As we delve deeper into the intricacies of copywriting’s role in branding and identity, it’s evident that it’s not just about writing—it’s about strategising, understanding, and connecting. With its multifaceted contributions, copywriting remains an invaluable asset in crafting a brand’s legacy in the minds and hearts of consumers.

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